
Palouse Ridge Runners R/C Newsletter

Pullman                        Ridge Runner          Moscow

============================= July 2003 ===============================


Special Meeting!!! Special Meeting!!! Special Meeting!!! Special Meeting!!!


July Meeting:    Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow


Special Meeting!!! Special Meeting!!! Special Meeting!!! Special Meeting!!!


The July club meeting will be at the Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow at 7pm on Tuesday, July 1. This is a special meeting to discuss the new flying field at the new Parks and Rec facility just south of Moscow (contact Dave Walker for information  (208) 882-9180).





Spring Fun Fly and BBQ


The spring fun fly and BBQ was held Saturday, June 7 beginning at noon. Dave Walker cooked venison and beef burgers. The club provided pop and condiments.


Saturday turned to have the best weather for any club event in a couple of years. Light winds, clear skies and warm temperatures were a nice change from the windy conditions experienced in the last couple of years. We had a record turnout of over 30 club members, family and friends.


Flying was great, though there was one bad crash. Electric, 1/2A, four stroke and two stroke powered sport models were flown. At least one plane was in the air most of the time from noon to dusk.


The “climb and glide” competition drew three flyers: John Sawyer, John Sandell and Don Hart. The task was to gain as much altitude as possible with a 20 second power phase (time begins when the wheels leave the ground), engine shut-down and un-powered glide. The longest un-powered glide wins.


John Sawyer flew his “Butt Ugly” (Not-For-Sale funfly) for a time of 49 seconds. John Sandell was able to post a 44 second glide with his GP “Venture” sport pattern plane. Don Hart caught a thermal with his ModelTech “Magic” funfly, posting a 1 minute 58 second glide for the best time in the event.


Great friends, great weather, great flying, great food at a great flying site – what a great day!



Thursday Evening Flying Sessions

By Don Hart


Thursday flying sessions at Sawyer Field have been very well attended and, until last week, enjoyed better than average weather.


Jamie Edwards, visiting from Ohio for a couple of weeks, flew r/c helicopters at Sawyer Field and the Lewiston club field. Jamie is a really skilled r/c helicopter pilot – just amazing to watch. He travels in his Beechcraft Bonanza. He flew down to a ‘copter contest in Oregon and won first in the Advanced class.


Jamie also flies fixed wing electric planes. He let me fly his IFO (Indoor Flying Object), a plane that looks a lot like an electric powered kite. This plane is capable of low, slow aerobatics on the power of a li-poly power pack that gives it better than 20 minutes of flight time. It’s really a lot of fun.


Evening flying sessions usually have lighter wind conditions and plenty of shade, making this a really great time to fly.


Come on out and join the fun!



At the last meeting…

By Don Hart


The June meeting was held at Sawyer Field near Palouse, WA.


Summer meetings


We will continue meeting at Sawyer Field through the summer (except for July). Flying will begin about 5pm with a business meeting at 7pm. Be there the first Tuesday of each month.


Final Planning for the Spring Fun Fly and BBQ


The “bean-bag drop” competition event was changed to a “climb and glide” event. The tall grass around the runway at Sawyer Field made the bean-bag drop impossible – the two foot tall blue grass would make finding the bean-bags an adventure in frustration.


Moscow Parks and Rec Model Field Site Inspection


Dave Walker (president) and Joe Bolden suggested that interested club members meet at the new park site on Palouse River Road, 0.7 miles east of highway 95 south of Moscow. The proposed flying field location is at the far west end of the planned park, between Palouse River Road and the south fork of the Palouse River.  There are power lines along the north edge of the site, parallel to Palouse River Road.  It was suggested that parking for the proposed flying field be located under the power lines adjacent to the flying field location to give us good access to the pit area. Dave and Joe have met with the Parks and Rec. There will be an update at the July PRR club meeting.



Interesting Model Aviation Web Sites


http://www.gwmp.net/   Gary Wright Model Products – E3D, Quick-E and Sport-E-Stik e-power kits

http://www.modelelectronicscorp.com/ Model Electronics Corp – solderless power tubes, high powere e-power systems

http://www.modelairtech.com/    Modelair-Tech – e-power systems, e-power model plans and kits

http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/2274/index.html  Micro Planes - ultralight e-power


Upcoming Flying Events


July 12-13 – Spokane IMAC competition

July 19-20 – Orrin Crooks Memorial glider meet a the Lewiston club field (see Bruce Bumgarner for details)

August 9-10 – Coeur d’Alene IMAC competition

August 16-17 – Spokane electric fun fly

September 7 - Four Mounds Fall Fun Fly, Spokane

September 20-21 – Jump-Off-Joe float fly, Chewela, WA


Go to the PRR web site and click on the “events” link for more information.