
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================== December 2004 =================================

Club Meeting

7pm Tuesday December 7

Latah Room

University Inn Best Western


Members can order from the menu beginning at 6pm


The next club meeting will be at the Latah Room at the University Inn Best Western in Moscow (near the main desk) Tuesday, December 7 (contact club vice president Bruce Bumgarner for information (208) 882-7126 or e-mail Bcbum@aol.com.

Agenda for the December meeting:

Agenda items include:

Installation of new club officers

Winter Flying


Notes from the November Meeting:

By Colleen Bumgarner

The November meeting was held at the Latah Room in the University Inn Best Western in Moscow on November 9, one week later than usual due to election day.

Members present:

Dave Walker (president)

Wally Bigelow

Joe Bolden

John Sawyer

Mel & Judy Colvin

Ben Troka

Mike Cook

Les Grammer

Bruce Bumgarner (VP)

Colleen Bumgarner (Sec/Treas)

Bob & Virginia Boettcher

Nick Wittman

Larry Bobisud

Ryan Stolz

Byron & Heather Stevenson

Don Hart

Minutes from the previous meeting were not available.

Old Business


Treasurer Report

There is a balance of $3040.99

Philips Farm Flying Site

A 50 x 300 foot runway was marked off and mowed. Rocks, twine and debris were removed. Joe Bolden used his riding mower. Mel Colvin provided transport for the mower. Also present were Bruce and Colleen Bumgarner, Darrell Ery, and Bob and Virginia Boettcher.

The following Saturday about 20 U of I student volunteers raked about ½ the field, smoothing ridges and filling holes.

Dave Walker made the first flight from the site with his profile Edge 540 on October 13. The neighbor to the north of the proposed runway complained. Dave discussed the issue with him, but did they not arrive at a resolution.

On November 3, Joe Bolden and Dave Walker flew models to get sound levels from planes and from trucks going down the highway. Sound levels for models were around 64 dB on ground and 56 dB in the air. Highway sound levels were up to 74 dB.

For now we need Parks Department okay to fly while we check the feasibility of the site as a model flying field. We will avoid flying past the north end of the site to avoid further complaints from the neighbor.

It was moved and seconded to measure sound levels and to mark each plan you fly there. All members were invited to come to the Philips Farm field on Saturday November 13 at 1pm (weather permitting) to check planes. It was also decided to purchase a sound level meter for the club. Wally Bigelow will investigate prices.

Ryan Stolz has a riding mower (it needs some work) that could be used at the site.

Mel Colvin suggested a sign explaining rules and boundaries.

Youth Activities

It was noted that our involvement with youth activities (school programs, boy scouts, model building instruction, Palouse Science Center, etc.) has impressed the Parks and Recreation Council, giving us the opportunity at the Philips Farm site. Thanks to Joe Bolden, Mel Colvin and Pat Gates for their involvement in these activities.

The next Palouse Science Center event is scheduled for February. They want Delta Darts for the students. It was noted that the Puyallup show is the first week in February.

Joe Bolden reported that his students are ready to build R/C trainers.

Frequency Board Project

Byron Stevenson suggested that the frequency board project be resurrected. Wally Bigelow volunteered to help Bryon. Two portable frequency boards in boxes were suggested.

New Business

Mall Show

Bertle Spence has scheduled the mall show for the second weekend in March.

Club Picnic Burger Supply

Dave Walker has successfully replenished his venison supply, so there will be plenty of venison burgers available for the club picnics.

ARFs and Engines

Wally Bigelow reported that Hodgins Drug got a special deal from Great Planes for several ARF models and OS engines. ARFs include a TopFlite giant scale P-51, Goldberg Ultimate biplane, Goldberg Matrix 3D and Great Planes Fokker Triplane. Engines include OS 70 and 90 four strokes and 50 two stroke.

Hodgins Drug has also donated four gallons of fuel to the club. Fuel (16% oil) is available to club members at discount prices – $8 for 5%, $10 for 10%. 25% fuel is also available (these prices limited to stock on hand). Wally will order 20% oil fuel in the future.


Club officers were nominated for next year.

President: Dave Walker

Vice President: Bruce Bumgarner

Secretary/Treasurer: Colleen Bumgarner

Safety Officers: Bob Boettcher and Mel Colvin

Newsletter Editor: Don Hart

Instructors: Dave Walker, Joe Bolden and Don Hart - power. Les Grammer - gliders

Since current officers agreed to serve another year, it was moved and seconded to vote a unanimous ballot for all – no need to hold elections at the December meeting (probably a good idea given the weather forecast).

December and January meetings

December and January meetings will be the first Tuesday of the month. Dave Walker will be enjoying the warmth and great flying weather in Arizona. Bruce Bumgarner will be presiding.

Meeting adjourned.


Ben Troka brought his Fury Extreme helicopter. Ben explained the controls and radio requirements. He strongly recommended a flight simulator if you are interested in flying helis. A 30 size helicopter costs about $1000 ready for flight.

Ben also brought a foamy electric 3D model ($48) with HiMax brushless motor, LiPoly battery and 4 channel micro radio gear.

Many thanks to Colleen Bumgarner for her notes of the meeting.