
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================== November 2004 =================================

Club Meeting

7pm Tuesday November 9

(One week later than usual due to national election November 2)

Latah Room

University Inn Best Western


Members can order from the menu beginning at 6pm


The next club meeting will be at Latah Room at the University Inn Best Western in Moscow (near the main desk) Tuesday, November 9 (contact club president Dave Walker for information (208) 882-9180 or e-mail dwalker@uidaho.edu).

Agenda for the November meeting:

Agenda items include:

Philips Farm flying site update,

nomination of candidates for club offices.


Notes from the October Meeting:

By Colleen Bumgarner

The October meeting was held at the Latah Room in the University Inn Best Western in Moscow.

There were 10 people (wives included) who ate dinner and several who ordered milk shakes, etc.

Members present:

Wally Bigelow

Darrell Ery

Vance Penton

Joe Bolden

Mel Colvin

Tom Sandell

Mike Cook

Les Grammer

Bruce Bumgarner

Colleen Bumgarner

Dave Walker

Bob Boettcher

Howard Hosick

? Larry Bobisud

Pat Gates

Minutes were read and corrections made: Philips Farm County Park is NORTH of Moscow and was number three in the ranking of fields in the preference vote.

Palouse Discovery Science Center

Howard Hosick reminded people about the Palouse Discovery Science Center asking our club to have a show about model airplanes. Two flight simulators and Delta Dart building/competitiion were suggested. The display was scheduled for 10:30-Noon Saturday October 23. Howard Hosick, Dave Walker, Joe Bolden and (hopefully) Don Hart were to attend.

Moscow Parks and Rec Buddy Box Flying Session

A report was given on the September 18 Parks and Rec flying session. Due to rain the field had to be mowed Saturday morning rather than Friday as planned. Bruce Bumgarner mowed with some help from Mel Colvin and Dave Walker. A safety fence was put up. Joe Bolden, Dave Walker and Don Hart were the instructor pilots.

Only three flyers had signed up in advance with Parks and Rec, but several new club members were there and three people from a frisbee soccer group stayed to participate. The weather was good and everyone who wanted to fly got at least one flight on the buddy box.

Fall BBQ and Fun Fly

The Fall BBQ and Fun Fly was held Saturday September 25th beginning at noon. There was good attendance. Joe Bolden was "burger chef". The weather was great (for a change) and a great time was had by all.

Treasurer Report

There is a balance of $3035.57.


Reminder to be thinking of a slate of officers for next year. Nominations are due at the November meeting, with election at the December meeting.

There was a short discussion about the national AMA election.

Philips Farm Flying Site

The new flying site at Philips Farm County Park 5 miles north of Moscow has received approval from the County. The runway is located near the entrance to the park, on a large flat area above the level of rest of the park. There are six houses near the park. Power lines run parallel to the highway.

There was discussion about what was needed at the new site: a fence, current AMA membership required, type of runway (dirt/grass or geotextile), supply building (old one is at Bertle Spence’s place), rest room (Joe bolden check prices on portapotties - $70 for four weeks, $900 per year).

For now, flying will be restricted to Thursdays and weekends. Joe Bolden made a motion to have a work party start early preparation of the field. The site to be mowed and a 50 by 300 foot runway to be staked out to make sure there is enough room at the site. Friday October 8 was selected as the day. Mel Colvin, Joe Bolden and Bruce Bumgarner to mow and stake out the runway. An equipment trailer and riding mower to be located.

Meeting adjourned.

Many thanks to Colleen Bumgarner for her notes of meetings.