
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================ February 2006 ===============================

Club Meeting

7pm Tuesday February 7



Members and guests may join us for dinner before the meeting



The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, February 7 (contact club President Byron Stevenson for information).



Agenda for the February meeting:


Agenda items include:

1. Mall Show

2. Planning for the 2006 flying season.


If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.



Notes from the January Meeting:


The meeting was held at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow on Tuesday, January 3. Called to order by Bruce Bumgarner, Vice President.


Members present:


Bruce Bumgarner (VP)

Colleen Bumgarner (Sec/Treas)

Larry Bobisud

Vance Penton

Sam Hord

Mel Colvin

Joe Bolden

Mike Thomas

Bertle Spence

Les Grammer

Dennis Heitmann

Barry Grussling (new member)

Ben Bowen (new member)


Minutes from the last meeting were read and corrected (the Duraplane offered by Mel Colvin is USED).


Treasurer report: $1944.30



Club Dues Are Due!


Club dues are due in February: $20 for an individual or $30 for a family.



Old Business


Mall Show


The Mall Show is scheduled for the 4th weekend in March (March 24, 25 and 26). Bertle Spence (event coordinator) has requested 22 tables somewhere away from the game room (too noisy). There will be more discussion at the February club meeting including specifics for the raffle.



Snow Fly


The annual Snow Fly was discussed. The event will be held at Sawyer Field beginning at noon Saturday, February 4. “Hanger flying”, chili and munchies, and videos will be available in John Sawyer’s shop.


Bruce and Colleen Bumgarner have been given the task of ordering snow for the event – “six inches with a light crust” (no promises since Bruce and Colleen will be in Puyallup for the NW Hobby Expo). The weather forecast for Saturday is “breezy with a 70% chance of precipitation”.


Name Tags


Bruce and Colleen Bumgarner checked on pricing from Precision Engraving – a 1”x 3” name tag is approximately five dollars. A motion to purchase pins was moved, seconded and passed. A motion to pay for pins with club funds was moved, seconded and passed.


Meeting adjourned.


Thanks to Colleen Bumgarner for her meeting notes.



Upcoming Events


February 3-5 Puyallup, WA

NW Hobby Expo; see http://www.nwhobbyexpo.com


Saturday March 4 Spokane WA 

Barons Model Club 11th Annual Model Show and Swap Meet. Location: Spokane Community College (Green and Mission). Registration 7-8:30am Saturday (pre-registration preferred). Show hours 8:30am-4pm.


Northwest modeling events at http://boeinghawks.org/events/ama.htm