
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================ January 2006 ===============================

Club Meeting

7pm Tuesday January 3



Members may join us for dinner before the meeting


The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, January 3 (contact club President Byron Stevenson for information).


Agenda for the January meeting:

Agenda items include:

1. Planning for the 2006 flying season.

If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.


Notes from the December Meeting:

The meeting was held at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow on Tuesday, December 6. Called to order by Bruce Bumgarner, Vice President.

Members present:

Bruce Bumgarner (VP)

Colleen Bumgarner (Sec/Treas)

Vance Penton

Sam Hord

Mel Colvin

Joe Bolden

Bob Boettcher

Jerry Becker

Les Grammer

Dennis Heitmann

Byron Stevenson (President Elect)

Heather Stevenson

Minutes from the last meeting were not available.

Treasurer report: $1944.30


Club Dues Are Due!

Club dues are due in January: $20 for an individual or $30 for a family.


Old Business

Election of Officers

Since all current officers (except Dave Walker, President) volunteered to serve in 2006 and Byron Stevenson said he would like to be President, Bob Boettcher made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot to elect new and repeat officers. Motion was seconded and passed.

Mall Show

The Mall Show is scheduled for the 4th weekend in March (March 24, 25 and 26). Hopefully more people will be in the mall if we have the mall show after Spring Break. We would like to be located away from the game room (too noisy), perhaps near Ross.


New Business

Snow Fly

The annual Snow Fly was discussed. Hopefully we can hold it at John Sawyer’s shop. This event is traditionally scheduled for the Saturday before the Super Bowl. Super Bowl XL will be played in Detroit, Michigan on Feb. 5, 2006.

Name Tags

Bob Boettcher suggested that we get name tags like we had years ago. Colleen will contact Precision Engraving and Polly Walker about costs.

Club Events

Byron asked for suggestions of things the club would like to do.

Several members have the GWS Slow Stick electric powered plane, a possible candidate for "one design" events where everyone flies the same design of plane. Combat, pylon racing and fun-fly events are possible with this simple, inexpensive ($35 including motor and gearbox) plane.

Monthly club fun fly and raffle were also suggested.

Duraplane Give-Away

Mel Colvin has a new Duraplane 20 to give away. It is a low wing aircraft.

Glider Meet

The annual Orrin Crooks Memorial glider meet is scheduled for May.

Club Meeting Location for 2006

A request has been submitted to continue having the club meetings at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow.

Meeting adjourned.

Thanks to Colleen Bumgarner for her meeting notes.



Bob Boettcher showed his repaired Li’l Poke electric powered plane, LiPoly battery pack and holder.

Jerry Becker purchased a "slope soarer" version of the GWS Slow Stick. He fixed it up with a brushless electric motor and modified the wing to include ailerons. The slope soarer version does not include the standard GWS motor/gearbox, but it is only $21 (a good way to buy replacement parts).


Upcoming Events

Saturday March 4 Spokane WA

Barons Model Club 11th Annual Model Show and Swap Meet. Location: Spokane Community College (Green and Mission). Registration 7-8:30am Saturday (pre-registration preferred). Show hours 8:30am-4pm.

Northwest modeling events at http://boeinghawks.org/events/ama.htm