
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================ June 2006 ===============================

Club Meeting

7pm Tuesday June 6



Members and guests may join us for dinner before the meeting


The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, June 6 (contact club President Byron Stevenson for information).


Agenda for the May meeting:

Agenda items include:

1. Sawyer Field

2. Planning for the 2006 flying season.

If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.


Notes from the April Meeting:

The meeting was held at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow on Tuesday, April 4. Called to order by Byron Stevenson, President.

Members present:

Byron (President) & Heather Stevenson

Bruce Bumgarner (VP)

Colleen Bumgarner (Sec/Treas)

Brady Wicks

Bob Boettcher

Larry Bobisud

Dave Walker

Vance Penton

Sam Hord

Mel Colvin

Joe Bolden

Barry Grussling

Jerry Becker

Les Grammer

Bertle Spence

Randy Sexton (new member - 30 years experience)

Don Hart (Newletter Editor)

Minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted).

Treasurer report: $1965.55 (the bill for the roller for the field is outstanding)


Old Business

July Meeting

Reminder: the date for the July meeting has been moved to Tuesday July 11 due to the 4th being the first Tuesday in July.

New Business

Fence for Pilot Stations

Mel Colvin suggested that the club install removable fencing for pilot stations to meet AMA safety requirements at club events. The fencing would be orange plastic fencing used for construction perimeters. It would be made removable to ease mowing and other field maintenance. Two pilot stations would be installed.

Mel also reminded us that at club events there should be no parking in the pit area and no training activity.

Scratch and Dent

Wally Bigelow at Hodgins Drug has a Park Zone Cub that has cosmetic damage. He is offering it for $109. If no one buys it soon it will be returned to the supplier.

Glider Meet

Les Grammer went to a glider meet at Mission, BC, near Vancouver, BC. There were about 20 pilots competing. The conditions were windy and three gliders were lost to accidents (though none went into the ocean). Les got first place Sunday (congratulations Les!).

Full Scale Pilot Training

Mel Colvin outlined the light sport category for private pilots. Membership in an EAA chapter is required. Twenty hours rather than the usual 40 hours of flight instruction is required. This is the cheapest way to get a pilot license. The local EAA chapter is building a plane to be used for instruction.

Spring Picnic and Fun Fly

The spring picnic and fun fly is scheduled for Saturday June 17. As usual, the club will supply burgers, condiments and soft drinks. There will be fun fly events (weather permitting) if someone will come forward to be the contest director.

Meeting adjourned.



Joe Bolden showed his Battery Bunker, a ceramic container for safely charging LiPo battery packs. The club can get a discount price if members are interested.

Upcoming Events


Jun 9-11 Parma, ID; Idaho Jet Fly; Class C-r at TVA Model Airport; CD: Edward (Al) Culver, P.O.Box 86, Wilder, ID 83676, (208)482-7356, Email: carolculver@cableone.net. Restricted to turbines, Ducted Fans (gas & Elect).

Jun 23-25 Nampa, ID; SW Idaho Scale Masters Qualifier; Class AA for 511,512,520,522(jso) at Nampa Model Aviators Field; CD: Chet Carpenter, 7188 Elmore, Fruitland, ID 83619, (208)452-2227, Email: crchet@msn.com; Sponsor: Nampa Model Aviators. US Scale master rules apply for USSMA Expert Scale, Sportsman Scale, Team Scale and Fun

Jun 29-2 Joseph, OR; Alpine Soaring Adventure: Class C; CD Wil Byers, (209)627-5224, Email: wilbyers@quietflyer.com

Aug 11-13 Athol, ID: Warbirds Over Farragut; Class C at Farragut St. Park; CD: Matt Jacobson, 735 N. Corbin Rd. #21, Post Falls, ID 83854, (208)773-4222, Email: spectrematt@yahoo.com ; Sponsor: Farragut Flyers #324. This is a fly-In. Any aircraft Friday and Sunday, Warbirds only on Saturday



Northwest modeling events at http://boeinghawks.org/events/ama.htm