
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================ December 2007 ===============================

Club Meeting

7pm Tuesday December 4


Members may join us for dinner before the meeting


The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, December 4 (contact club President Jerry Becker for information).


Meeting agenda, December 4th, 2007:

1. Announcements
2. Minutes from Last Meeting (Nov 6)
3. Treasury Report / Dues Update
4. Flying Reports
5. Club Officer Elections for 2008
6. Club Dues Increase
7. Planning for Winter Snow Fly
8. Agenda Additions / New Business
9. Program (Time Permitting): Cool Monokote Trim HowTo



If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.


Notes from the Last Meeting:

The meeting was held at the Jack-in-theBox in Moscow. Called to order by Jerry Becker President.

Members present:

Jerry Becker (President)
Harry Evans (VP)
Bryce Winterbottom
Larry Bobisud
Dave Walker
Joe Bolden
Sam Hord
Mel Colvin
Randy Sexton
John Sawyer
Don Kolb
Don Hart (Newsletter Editor)

Minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.

Treasurer report:  -- no report --


 No announcements.

Old Business

Flying Reports

There is a picture of Sam Sorem and his Spitfire in the November issue of Model Aviation.

Don Kolb flew his Cub in windy conditions for about a 10 minute flight - Don called it "kitey".  Took it out another day with 6.5 oz added to the tail to get the CG right. Stalled intentionally to check characteristics - it was flying well.  However, on the landing he got it too slow and it stalled, hit a wingtip and "hurt" the fuselage. The pilot exited through the windshield!

Jerry Becker put his H9 Cub into a spin, but stalled on recovery and crashed.  That made three planes crashed in three weeks!

Randy Sexton flipped his Giant Stinger in a cross-wind landing, breaking the fin and canopy.

Bryce Winterbottom has been flying his Eaglet at the old Potlatch mill site.

Harry Evans has not been flying, no crashes.  He's been building!

Don Hart has been flying at the Lewiston field.

New Business

Dues Increase?

There was a lively discussion about the possiblility of increasing club dues.  Among the benefits were replacement of the current mower, purchase of prizes for events, and an option to work in lieu of part of dues. The topic was tabled for further discussion at a later time.

WSU Dad's Weekend

Jerry Becker
discussed the model event scheduled for Sunday of WSU Dad's Weekend.  R/C cars, flight simulator, static display and videos are planned. The event to be sponsored by the Spokane Hobby Town.  Jerry had not heard back from his inquiry about whether the event would actually happen.

Nominations for Club Officers

Jerry Becker - President
Harry Evans - VP
Colleen Bumgarner - Secretary/Treasurer
Bob Boettcher - Safety Officer
Don Hart plans to continue as Newsletter Editor

Further nominations will be solicited by email.

Work Party

A work party was scheduled to clean out and fill cracks in the runway at the old Potlatch milll site to prevent further deterioration, contingent on weather.

Dave's Birthday

We celebrated Dave Walker's Birthday - he's 64!  Dave's wife Polly brought a wonderful chocolate cake.

Safety and Clean Up Reminder

Members are reminded to clean up when you fly! Also, announce takeoffs and landings when others are flying. Safety First! 

Meeting adjourned.


Jerry Becker showed his Sportsman Aviation PT-19. It is covered in the WWII primary trainer color scheme and electric powered (of course). The plane is beautiful and flies well, but it was not Jerry's favorite build.

Upcoming Events

Northwest modeling events at http://boeinghawks.org/events/ama.htm