
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================ March 2007 ===============================

Club Meeting

7pm Tuesday March 6



Members may join us for dinner before the meeting


The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, March 6 (contact club President Jerry Becker for information).


Meeting agenda, March 6, 2007:

1. Announcements
2. Minutes from Last meeting
(Feb 6)
3. Treasury Report / Dues update
4. Flying report
5. Mall show Sign-up
6. Club Business cards
7. Club Web Site
8. Agenda Additions / New business
9. Program: The Life of a Miniature Stunt Pilot


If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.


Notes from the February Meeting:

The meeting was held at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow on Tuesday, February 6. Called to order by Harry Evans Vice President.

Members present:

Harry Evans (Vice President)

Colleen Bumgarner (Sec/Treas)

Bruce Bumgarner

Don Kolb (new member - St John, WA)

Jim Weiss (new member - Boville, ID)

Vance Penton

Sam Hord

Mel Colvin

Bob Boettcher

Les Grammer

Barry Grussling

Byron Stevenson

Gary Wright

Bertle Spence

Larry Bobisud

Don Hart (Newsletter Editor)

Minutes from the last meeting accepted as read.

Treasurer report: $1983.52

Club Dues Are Due!

Club dues are due: $20 for an individual or $30 for a family.




Old Business

Mall Show

Bertle Spence reported that everything is set up for the Mall Show. It is scheduled for the 4th weekend in March (March 23, 24 and 25). Colleen Bumgarner will check with Jim at Hodgins about a raffle prize (about $100 range).


New Business

Snow Fly Report

The Snow Fly was a great event! The weather was pretty good and the turnout was very good.

We had lots to eat including at least four pots of chili, meat balls, baked beans, two pans of cornbread, shell pasta in a tomato sauce, hot garlic bread, two meat and cheese trays, brownies, "brownie bites", and a spice cake. YUM!

Gary Wright brought the new club frequency board he built - it's beautiful!

John Sawyer showed us the kit Extra 3.25 he's building. The fuselage and wing are framed up and joined. It will have an OS30FS four stroke.

And there was flying outdoors - the first time the weather has been good for this event in about three years. The sun was out, there was snow to fly from and the wind was "light" but COLD (some ears are still tingling). Joe Bolden flew his electric powered "Mini Ultra Stick", Randy Sexton flew his "Telemaster", John Sawyer flew his "Banshee", and Ben Troka and Barry Grussling flew electric helicopters. Joe and Randy flew with skis.

Bob Boettcher brought his latest incarnation of the electric powered GWS "Slow Stick". This one has a symmetrical wing built from two Slow Stick wings joined together. It has a carbon fiber arrow shaft spar and working ailerons. Bob had mounted floats for flying from the snow. He had Don Hart do the maiden flight. The Slow Stick struggled a little getting into the air, but flew well once it got some altitude. The floats worked well on the snow, but the plane should fly even better without that extra weight and drag. The Slow Stick will even do a roll, though it was a little sloppy due to the low power available (it was flying at full throttle for the whole flight). The landing was a "no sweat" event.

Barry Grussling and Don Hart flew helis in John's shop. Don flew the "Picco Z" and Barry flew his twin rotor "Blade CX". Everyone was amazed that the Picco Z (a $30, 9 gram heli) flies as well as it does. Of course, Barry flew his heli very well, with precise control, while the Picco Z was all over the place (it even tried to fly inside John's combine!).

A great time was had by all! Matilda (the Sawyer's dog) was especially happy - lots of people to throw the tennis ball.

Here's the turnout:

John and Betty Sawyer

Terry Koltes and guest Felix Cox

Sam Hord

Mel Colvin

Bertle Spence

Bob Boettcher

Joe Bolden

Bruce and Colleen Bumgarner

Barry Grussling and guest

Ben Troka

Randy Sexton

Gary Wright

Don Hart

Harry and Russ Evans

Note: unfortunately, Jerry Becker was in Hawaii and missed a GREAT event!

Great Friends, Great Flying, Great Food!

Frequency Board Update

Gary Wright will mount the AMA rules on the inside of the doors of the new frequency board (trimmed to fit).

2007 Flying Season

Colleen reported that the Inland Soaring Society is flying indoors at the Spangle, WA gymnasium on Thursdays (except the last Thursday of the month).


Meeting adjourned.

Thanks to Colleen Bumgarner for her meeting notes.



Harry Evans showed his "Ultimate" biplane. Both wings are built, but only the bottom wing is covered. The fuselage is partly covered. Harry used TrimClad paint on the wing tips. Looks great!

Harry also showed his own design "Fusion V3", a 38 inch span plane. Parts were laser cut in Tennesee by John Valentine. Harry would like to sell kits.

Jim Weiss showed his Balsa USA "North Star", a delta wing float plane with retracting tricycle landing gear. The bottom of the rudder provides steering when it's in the water. It is powered with a Fox 50. It has not flown yet.

Bob Boettcher brought his much modified "Slow Stick". This incarnation has a symmetrical wing section - two wings standard foam wings are taped together with no dihedral. A carbon fiber spar stiffens the wing. The ailerons are functional.

Don Kolb showed his "Telemaster 40" with Thunder Tiger 46.

Barry Grussling displayed his very nice aluminum case for his "T-Rex 450 SE" electric helicopter. It holds the heli, the transmitter, tools and batteries. It is from HeliPro.

Barry also brought a "Firefly" micro-heli, a tiny electric heli that looks a lot like a bug - it has two red LEDs that could be eyes! It used radio for control (rather than infrared) and sells for about $70. Barry flew the Firefly around the meeting room.

Upcoming Events


Mar 24,25 Monroe, WA

Northwest Model Hobby Expo: This Expo replaces the Puyallup Expo that has been cancelled. It will be held at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds Saturday 3/24/07, 9am to 5pm and Sunday 3/25/07, 9am to 3pm. Direct all Email to newnwexpo@yahoo.com or telephone (206) 361-3976

Mar 24,25 Richland, WA

Season Opener Slope Combat; Class C at Eagle Butte. CD: Don Stewart, 1922 Thayer Dr. Richland, Wa 99354 (509) 946-0915, Email deserthawk2@verizon.net Sponsor: Mid-Columbia Soarers.

May 12,13 Lewiston, ID

Orrin Crooks Memorial; Class AA for 442,443,444,460 at Mann‘s Lake field; CD: Bruce Bumgarner, 1020 Eid Rd. #8, Moscow, ID 83843, (208) 882-7126, Email: Bcbum@aol.com ; Sponsor: Palouse Region R/C Flyers #238


Northwest modeling events at http://boeinghawks.org/events/ama.htm