
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================ October 2007 ===============================

Club Meeting

7pm Tuesday October 2



Members may join us for dinner before the meeting


The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, October 2 (contact club President Jerry Becker for information).


Meeting agenda, October 2, 2007:

1. Announcements
2. Minutes from last meeting (September 4)
3. Treasury report / Dues update
4. Flying reports
5. Fall Picnic report
6. Field discussion
7. Agenda additions / New business
8. Program: TBA


If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.


Notes from the Last Meeting:

The meeting was held at the newly remodeled Jack-in-theBox in Moscow. Called to order by Jerry Becker President.

Members present:

Jerry Becker (President)

Harry Evans (VP)

Colleen Bumgarner (Secretary/Treasurer)

Bruce Bumgarner

Byron Stevenson

Larry Bobisud

Joe Bolden

Sam Hord

Mel Colvin

Bob Boetttcher

Gary Wright

Bertle Spence

Vance Penton

Don Kolb

Don Hart (Newsletter Editor)

Minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.

Treasurer report: $1704.39


A float fly was hosted by the Lewiston club at Nisqually John Landing on the Snake River on July 21. No date has been set for another float fly this year

An announcement flyer for the 2nd Annual EAA Fly In at the Lewiston Airport was passed around. Bob Dickeson, owner of Bob's Hobbies in Lewiston, is the host. Full scale aircraft will compete in spot landing and flour bomb drop events. R/C model aircraft flying and R/C cars are also featured.

Old Business

Flying Report

Harry Evans
crashed the Yak he got from Jerry Becker when a wing worked its way out on the wing tube far enough to rotate freely. Harry said it was a very good flat spin.

Harry Evans and Don Hart flew combat at one of the Thursday evening sessions. No contact or streamer cuts this time.

Mel Colvin and Joe Bolden reported that it has been too windy for training.

Les Grammer won 2nd place in open class and 2nd in RES (Rudder/Elevator/Spoiler) class at the Farragut glider meet.

Bruce Bumgarner won a "Lipo sack" (a fire proof charging container for lithium polymer battery packs) at the Northwest Electric Fly In raffle.

There was an unofficial "fly in" at Mann Lake field east of Lewiston on Saturday September 1. Randy Sexton put the maiden flight  on his Giant Stinger and Jerry Becker put the maiden flight on his Ryan electric (of course). Don Hart flew his 27% CAP 232 aerobatic plane (Zenoah G45), unfortunately ending in a deadstick landing into the wheat at the end of the runway. John Sawyer flew his Mustang, a really great flying  scale bird. Take a look at the pictures.

August Fun Fly

Joe Bolden and Bruce Bumgarner were contest directors for the flying events. Helicopter events were determined after some discussion with the contestants, Ben Troka and Dave Hagelganz. Ben won the event.

Contestants in the fixed wing event were Randy Sexton, Dave Hagelganz and Don Hart. Events consisted of two tasks. The first task was a scored stall turn. The second task was a 1 minute powered climb with a timed glide task and spot landing. Dave won the event, with Don placing second. Randy had some technical difficulties and was unable to fly the second task.

Contestants selected from the available model merchandise prizes in the order of their place in each event.

 See the pictures.

Safety Benches Update

The addition of a folding nose gear platform with slideout starter platform is working well. Thanks to Gary Wright and Bertle Spence for their great design and building efforts.

Safety and Clean Up Reminder

Members are reminded to clean up when you fly! Also, announce takeoffs and landings when others are flying. Safety First!

New Business

Fall Picnic and Fun Fly

The Fall Picnic and Fun Fly was scheduled for Saturday, September 29.


Joe Bolden is training Linda Accola, a new PRRCF member. There was discussion about whether a new member must pay club dues before beginning training.  AMA covers dual control flight training by a certified trainer pilot for 60 days. Joe suggested that a new member be given two free flights. A new flyer can decide if training should continue, pay the $15 training fee and club dues.

Meeting adjourned.

Thanks to Colleen Bumgarner  for her meeting notes.


Mel Colvin passed around pictures he took at the McCord AFB museum. Planes  from the 1930's, WWII, and more modern examples.  Highlights included a B-23 medium bomber that was in service from 1936-45 and a C-141 jet cargo plane.

Jerry Becker showed a video describing technical details about 2.4G radio systems, including radio frequency interference immunity (RFI occurs at much lower frequencies) and telemetry capabilities.

Upcoming Events

Northwest modeling events at http://boeinghawks.org/events/ama.htm