
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================ December  2008 ===============================

The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, December 2 (contact club President Jerry Becker for information).


Meeting Agenda, December 2nd, 2008:

1. Announcements
2. Minutes from Nov 4 meeting
3. Treasury report / Dues Update
4. Flying/Building Reports
5. Pilot Training Program (Brief update)
62009 Club Officer Elections
7. Super Bowl Fun Fly Planning 
8. Agenda Additions / New Business
9. Program: Care and Feeding of LiPo Batteries


If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.


Notes from the Last Meeting:

The meeting was held at the Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow. Called to order by Jerry Becker President.

Members present:

Jerry Becker (President)
Harry Evans (VP)
Colleen Bumgarner (Secretary/Treasurer)
Bruce Bumgarner

Larry Bobisud
Mel Colvin
Sam Hurd
Don Kolb
John Sawyer
Mark Scarborough
Dave Walker
Joe Bolden
Bob Boettcher
Don Hart

Minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.

Treasurer report:  $1717.14  


Members are reminded to put your AMA number on all your planes to be in compliance with AMA insurance requirements.

Flying Reports

Mel Colvin and Sam Hord flew TWICE in one week.

Don Hart
flew regularly on weekends at the Lewiston club field. He got a successful maiden flight on his original design Tabanus, a sorta Quicky 500 type plane. Don guesstimates it goes about 130 mph.

Dave Walker had a lonely flying session one Sunday at Sawyer field. He arrived after John Sawyer and Randy Sexton were done flying.

Mark Scarborough has soloed on RC. He's been out several times and is getting more comfortable. He has also been flying control line planes including flying in a racing event with the "Nitroholics" and a second place in a pattern event, missing first place by one point! Unfortunately, he crashed a pattern plane while practicing. Mark is building three new laser cut CL planes for next year's competition season.

Jerry Becker flew his e-powered (of course) 27% Hanger 9 CAP 232 at the Lewiston club field. Jerry has several flights on the plane now, but is still not completely comfortable with a plane this big.

John Sawyer has the 1/4 scale SIG Cub back on the workbench. He says there's plenty of work to do yet. He is planning to run the engine soon.

Bob Boettcher has patched up his original design giant scale plane and it's ready for flight, probably at the Lewiston club field.

Old Business

Flying Site Investigation

Joe Bolden has not been able to contact the owners (two companies) of the location at the old landfill east of Moscow.  Part of the site is being farmed. Joe will continue his investigation, but it doesn't look good at this point.

Pilot Training Program

Instructors must be designated to AMA as introductory pilots by the club. All interested members are encouraged to become involved.

The $15 trainer fee is for use of a club owned trainer to cover the cost of fuel and for equipment replacement. There is no fee for training on a student owned trainer.  The bylaws should be reviewed with this in mind. No fee can be charged for the training.

There should be 2-3 introductory sessions to ensure that a person is truly interested in learning to fly before going into the formal training program.

Students and instructors should work out a workable schedule for training sessions. If a simulator is available, the student should practice between live training sessions.

Community Involvement

Don Kolb will show a selection of his planes to the Cub Scouts in St John. Don bought an e-powered Slow-V at a yard sale for $20. It is a candidate for introducing the scouts to RC flying.  Joe Bolden and Don will look into having the scouts build rubber powered AMA Delta Darts.

New Business

AMA Park Pilot Program

The AMA Park Pilot Progarm offers a low cost way for flyers of  light weight e-powered RC planes to get AMA insurance coverage. Planes must weight less than two pounds and be incapable of exceeding 60 mph. Cost is $29 per year.

Club Officer Nominations

Nominations were opened for club officers.

Nominations to remain open until election is held at the December meeting to allow members not at this meeting to nominate candidates.

Meeting adjourned.

Thanks to Colleen for her meeting notes.


Don Kolb showed his very nice CMP Cessna Skylane ARF he bought for $89 on the web. The plane has a fiberglass fuselage and balsa wing. Power is a Saito 65 4-stroke. Control surfaces were pre-hinged.  There are seven servos and a 2.4 GHz radio. Don says it took about 20 hours to get it flight ready. It had not been flown at the time of the meeting.


No program

Upcoming Events

Super Bowl Snowfly
Saturday before Super Bowl. This is an annual event held at Sawyer Field on the Saturday before Super Bowl. Though we always hope for snow to fly from, the weather does not always cooperate.
However, since this is a potluck event, there is plenty of good food. Videos, demonstrations of engines and models, as well as indoor and outdoor RC flying are possible activities.

AMA Event Calendar