
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================ October  2008 ===============================

The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, October 7 (contact club President Jerry Becker for information).


Meeting Agenda, October 7, 2008:

1. Announcements
2. Minutes from Sept. 2 meeting
3. Treasury report / Dues Update
4. Flying Reports
5. Sept.13th Fun Fly / BBQ report.
6. Landfill Flying Site update
7. Boy Scouts Merit Badge

8. Agenda Additions / New Business
9. Program: TBA



If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.


Notes from the Last Meeting:

The meeting was held at the Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow. Called to order by Jerry Becker President.

Members present:

Jerry Becker (President)
Harry Evans (VP)
Colleen Bumgarner (Secretary/Treasurer)
Bruce Bumgarner

Larry Bobisud
Joe Bolden
Dave Walker
Vance Penton
Mark Scarborough (new member)

Minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.

Treasurer report:  $1637.78  

The bank has assessed the club a "surcharge" for reasons unknown.  Colleen will pursue. 


NWSS (Northwest Soaring Society) is holding their 32nd Annual Tournament in  Woodburn, OR.  Bruce and Colleen will miss our Fly-In to attend.

The Club welcomed new member, Mark Scarborough.  Mark is a competition CL pilot who has taken up RC for relaxation.

There is a NWSS glider meet at Farragut State Park Labor Day weekend.

Flying Reports

Too much wind... not enough flying! 

Larry Bobisud, Joe Bolden, and Dave Walker flew at Mountain View park.  Larry flew his Slow Stick and his Tiger Moth.  Dave flew a new Sig Somethin' Extra, and Joe flew his 4 Star 40. 

Mark Scarborough  has been flying a brushless powered Slow Stick at the High School field in Pullman. 

Jerry Becker took his Vapor out to Sawyer's and when it got calm (about dark) he let everyone who was there fly it.  The consensus was that this is an amazing little piece of technology and a great flyer..

Old Business

Fall BBQ and Fly In

Colleen has put out flyers in the malls advertising the event. 

Dave Walker and Joe Bolden both have trainers with Buddy Box systems.  It is thought that Don Hart also has a club trainer.    Jerry has a .46 powered trainer that the club purchased a few years ago with a JR Quattro radio.  With the help of someone who knows Glow powered aircraft, Jerry will get it going and see if it will link with his JR systems.  

Dave Walker will Chef.  Jerry Becker will pick up Burgers, Brats, Condiments, and Buns.  We will ask Don Hart if he can bring the soft drinks.

Flying Site Investigation

It is still unknown whether the site in question is under the control of Waste Management.  Several members looked at the land that we believe might be available, and agreed that the ridge along the northern-most end might have potential for a flying site.  Joe Bolden agreed to investigate further.

Community Involvement

Jerry Becker and Bruce Bumgarner have been talking to Frank Heath who teaches 4H.  Frank has been having his students build and fly "Stick and Tissue" models and is interested in progressing into RC.  JB will send Frank Joe Bolden's email and Joe will work with them. 

Jerry Becker will contact Schweitzer Engineering Labs about once again participating in their Science Fair.  It was felt that perhaps they have not contacted us because we were unable to respond to a very short notice request to participate a couple of years ago. 

There was some discussion about reviving the Flying Day at the Park. Jerry Becker will contact Moscow Parks and Recreation about getting it into the program. 

Other possibilities that were discussed include:

    * Getting Info about the Club into Incoming Student packets at the Universities. 
    * 4-H Summer Camp. 
    * Booth at the Fair.
    * Holding an Open House at the club field. 
    * Participation in local events.

New Business

No new business...

Meeting adjourned.

Thanks to Jerry and Colleen for their meeting notes.


Mark Scarborough
showed an extremely nice CL Stunt contest aircraft.

Jerry Becker showed a new indoor flyer by Park Zone called the Vapor.  He did a demonstration flight around the meeting room.


No program...

Upcoming Events

11th Annual Indian Summer Jamboree
10/03/08-10/05/08 - Benton, WA (C) 11th Annual Indian Summer Jamboree. Site: Horn Rapids Park. Gerald Dearing CD, 247 Erdman Ln Burbank WA 99323 PH:509-543-9805 email: jbdearing@msn.com. Visit www.higginsfield.org. 40' x 400' blk top runway, fly what you bring, helicopter and nite flyers welcome, two car tracks, raffle and auction, overnight camping available no hookups, water is available, full hookups 1 mile away. Landing fee $15. Sponsor: MINATURE AIRCRAFT ASSOC

Model Aviation Exhibit
11/09/08 - Seattle, WA (E) Model Aviation Exhibit. Site: Museum of Flight. For Info: Randy Smithhisler CD, 253-927-4672 email: rsmithhisler@paccar.com. Static display open to all types of model airplanes. Radio Control, Control Line, Free Flight (regardless of power type). Includes free admission and commemorative framed certificate. Model Set up 9am, Display 10am-5pm.

AMA Event Calendar