
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================ September 2008 ===============================

The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, September 2 (contact club President Jerry Becker for information).


Meeting Agenda, September 2, 2008:
1. Announcements
2. Minutes from August 5 meeting
3. Treasury report / Dues Update
4. Flying reports
5. Sept.13th Fun Fly / BBQ planning
6. Flying Site discussion
7. Community Involvement
8. Agenda Additions / New Business
9. Program: TBA


If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.


Notes from the Last Meeting:

The meeting was held at the Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow. Called to order by Jerry Becker President.

Members present:

Jerry Becker (President)
Colleen Bumgarner (Secretary/Treasurer)
Bruce Bumgarner
Bob Boettcher

Larry Bobisud
Joe Bolden

Sam Hord
Mel Colvin
Randy Sexton

Minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.

Treasurer report:  $1412.78 


Joe Bolden announced that ESPN2 would  have coverage of NW helicopter pilots and the NW Electric Fly In

There was a report on Don Hart gall bladder surgery. He should return to active flying soon.

Possible electric float fly at Mann's Lake sponsored by the Lewiston club. Note: permission for electric powered float flying on Mann's Lake has been withdrawn due to possible conflicts with fishermen and bird watchers.

The Lewiston club will be invited to the fall BBQ and fly in.

Jerry Becker had a motor mount and gas tanks to give away.

Flying Reports

Jerry Becker and Larry Bobisud reported flying at Sawyer R/C Field Sunday. They were the only ones there.

Dave Walker
and Joe Bolden flew at Joe's place Sunday.
Bruce Bumgarner, Les Grammer, Kelly Johnson, Amy Pool and Bill Johns flew gliders at Leroy Johnson's field on Chambers Road south of Pullman.

Randy Sexton has successfully flown his Stearman biplane.

Old Business

Fall BBQ and Fly In

Planning included changing to a "fly in" format. Inactive and lapsed members will be invited to come visit and take a turn on a buddy box to refresh their skills.

Flying Site Investigation

Jerry Becker will resend an email with a map showing the location and a description of a possible flying site at the Moscow transfer station and encouraging members to take a look at the site. 

Old Mower for Sale

The old mower sold very quickly.

New Business

Community Involvement

The question was asked what was done in the past?

Meeting adjourned.

Thanks to Colleen for her meeting notes.


Jerry Becker showed two small lithium battery powered Dremel tools. He suggested buying a set and selling raffle tickets at meetings until the price was recouped (or some small profit).


Two short videos:  Cri Cri home built twin engine plane flight demo and Randy Sexton's Telemaster towing an american flag - Betty Sawyer took the video and Mark Sawyer did the music (excellent video).

Upcoming Events

Fall Classic
9/19/08-9/21/08 - Zillah, WA (C) Fall Classic. Site: Ben's Strip. Joe Ball CD, 411 Lacey Ave Selah WA 98942 PH:504-697-9245 email: ball4@charter.net. Visit www.yvam.com. Breakfast and lunch available on site, room for RV's and camping, all types and sizes of aircraft welcome, landing fee $15 Jr $1. Sponsor: YAKIMA VALLEY AERO MODELERS

11th Annual Indian Summer Jamboree
10/03/08-10/05/08 - Benton, WA (C) 11th Annual Indian Summer Jamboree. Site: Horn Rapids Park. Gerald Dearing CD, 247 Erdman Ln Burbank WA 99323 PH:509-543-9805 email: jbdearing@msn.com. Visit www.higginsfield.org. 40' x 400' blk top runway, fly what you bring, helicopter and nite flyers welcome, two car tracks, raffle and auction, overnight camping available no hookups, water is available, full hookups 1 mile away. Landing fee $15. Sponsor: MINATURE AIRCRAFT ASSOC

AMA Event Calendar