
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================ June 2009===============================

The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, June 2 (contact club President Jerry Becker for information).

If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.

Meeting Agenda, June 2, 2009
1. Announcements
2. Minutes from May 5th meeting
3. Treasury Report / Dues Update
4. Individual Flying/Building Reports
5. May 30 Fun Fly / Orin Crooks Memorial / Float Fly Reports
6. AMA Membership drive update
7. Flying Days in the Park Update
8. Potlatch Field
9. Fuel Order
10. Planning for Summer Fun Fly
11. Agenda Additions / New Business
12. Program: TBA

Notes from the Last Meeting:

Members Present:

Jerry Becker (President)
Colleen Bumgarner (Secretary/Treasurer)
Bruce Bumgarner
Larry Bobisud
Mel Colvin
Sam Hord
Bertle Spence
Bob Boettcher
Liz Foster
Rob Smith
Harry Evans
Don Hart

Minutes accepted as read.

Treasury: $2315.09


Moses Lake Electric Fly-In: June 13

Stryker F27C Pylon Racing: May 13 and 27; June 10 and 24;  Paradise Road Field (south of Spokane on US95) 6:30pm start

Radio Show CDs: Liz Foster recorded the Radio Free Moscow show of the interview of club members.  CDs are available for those who'd like to hear the show.

Tower Hobbies Orders:  There is $10 shipping available - an opportunity to combine orders.

Flying/Building Reports

Harry Evans has been flying his epower heli. It flies great indoors and is very durable.  Harry also has a new plane ready.

Rob and (12 year old) Zack Smith have been flying together.  Zack is a good R/C pilot.  Rob crashed his epower SPAD bipe 15 seconds into the flight on 2.4 gHz.

Rob says that the Hobby Zone Mini Super Cub is a great flying foamy, even without having the antenna extended! The anti-crash system worked fine - until it hit the power lines. Fixed with Shoe-Goo.

Rob has also been flying a Hobbyzone NTU micro heli in the house on 2.4 gHz. The "NTU" is $50.

Don Hart and Jerry Becker got rained out at Mann's Lake.

Jerry Becker, Liz Foster and Dana Gutshall flew on a Thursday night at Sawyer Field. Liz flew Dana's epower glider - had a great time until it stalled and crashed on the tail. Dana is moving the receiver to the "Venus" he won in the club mall show raffle.

Old Business

Spring Fly-In and BBQ

The PRRCF Spring Fly-In and BBQ is Saturday May 30 at Sawyer Field. This is a potluck event.  Attendees are encouraged to bring a covered dish or desert to share. The club will provide burgers, brats, buns, condiments and pop.  Bring the family and friends for a great time.

There are no funfly events, however there will be "lucky hand" poker.  No skill required, just lots of flying.  Pilots will be given a playing card for each flight made. At the end of the day the pilot with the best poker hand wins!

New Business

Fuel Order

The price of fuel is up, but if we go together, we may be able to get a decent price. There will be more discussion and planning at the June meeting.

Potlatch Field

Hay bales have been moved off the runway. Discussion was tabled until the June meeting.


AMA Membership Drive

An AMA video about the nationwide  AMA membership drive was shown.  The membership drive goes from April 1 through September 14. The club that recruits the most new members receives a $500 award and charter fee is waived for 2010. 


Rob Smith showed his ElectriFly SPAD WWI bipe fighter model. It weighs 15.5 oz ready to fly.

Upcoming Events

Idaho Spud IMAC 
6/13-14/09 - Lewiston, ID (A)  Site: Mann Lake flying field. This is a scale aerobatics competition event. Flyers from all over the Northwest are expected to attend.  More information. Sponsor: Lewis-Clark R/C Model Club Inc