
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================ November 2009 ===============================

The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, November 3, 2009 (contact club President Jerry Becker for information).

If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.

Meeting Agenda, November 3, 2009
1. Announcements
2. Minutes from October 6th Meeting
3. Treasury Report
4. Flying/Building Reports
5. RC Class Report
6. Potlatch Field Update
7. Club Tax ID Number
8. Agenda Additions / New Business
9. Program TBD

Notes from the Last Meeting:

Members Present:

Jerry Becker (President)
Colleen Bumgarner (Secretary/Treasurer)
Bruce Bumgarner
Larry Bobisud
Joe Bolden
Dave Evans
Mark Scarborough and son Keith
Ken Bitters
Bob Boettcher

Minutes accepted as read.

Treasury: $1973.21


Dave Evans reported on the Lewiston Air Fair.  He said the Mustang was a real treat to see and impressive in flight.

Mel Colven is recovering well from his chain saw accident and is now walking with the help of a brace.

Next year both the Palouse Flyers and the Lewiston club plan to have a float fly.

Flying/Building Reports

Colleen and Bruce Bumgarner reported that the Northwest Soaring Society tournament had 40 pilots including three juniors (ages 15,16 and 17). There was a fly-off by the top 12 pilots on Sunday.

Dave Walker helped Austin Sass on the maiden flight of his new nitro powered Rascal. Very nice flyer!

Mark Scarborough took second in a pylon race held in Wenatchee with a time 1:48.  His son Keith got to fly on a buddy box with Brian Batch of B&B Hobbies.

Old Business

September Fun Fly Report

About 20 people showed up and a good time was had by all.  We made $22 from the paintball shoot, but the fun could not be measured in mere $$.  The young people present especially seemed to enjoy the sport and managed to hit the target planes many times.  By the end of the day, the two target planes flown by Don Hart and Jerry Becker were well decorated with paint. Jerry's plane even had a chunk knocked off of the fuselage for good measure.  Jerry's wife, Bridgette was the only "RC Widow" to take the opportunity to shoot for free, and she blasted away with great glee, hitting the target several times.  The balloon busting was a "bust", as no balloons actually got busted due to the swirling winds.  

Mark Scarborough won the Blade MCX S300 Helicopter in the Lucky Hand Free Fly with a full house. The food was excellent as usual.  Many thanks to Mel Colvin for applying his culinary skills to the BBQ!

Flying Day in the Park & RC Class Report

All things considered, the Flying Day in the Park went pretty well.  It was crazy windy, but we had about 12-13 people out, and 6 who wanted to fly.  Joe Bolden got 4 pilots up on the buddy box before losing his LT 40 to the wind and engine trouble.  Joe later discovered that his clunk was not "clunking" properly due to a corroded fuel line.  

Mike Marsh and Don Hart put on demonstration flights between buddy box flights

We have 3 people in the class (counting Dave Walker's wife, Polly) and we should be able to get the student into the air after one more building session.  The class has been a lot of fun.  Parks & Rec held the registration open until the last minute, so we did not get the 2 weeks advance notice that we'd asked for.  Therefore we did not get the price break that B&B hobbies had offered us, as there was no time for Brian to get the order together.  Jerry Becker did a last minute order from Tower, but they were only able to give us a small price break and the kits ended up costing  $200 each.  $50 more than we had expected.

2010 Officer Nominations/Speeches/Elections

Nominations were closed and a motion was made to cast a unanimous ballot to elect the current slate of nominees. Motion was seconded and passed.

Potlatch Field Update

All the cracks have been sealed but there are spots where the sealant cracked as it dried.  Dave Walker and Jerry Becker have not had a chance to get a work party together to fill in these cracks.  There was some discussion over whether it would be appropriate to attempt this work given the changing weather.

New Business

No new business.


Dave Evans showed his new Slow Stik that he assembled at the RC Class.  The fuse is now fiberglass instead of aluminum, which looks very nice and should help with radio glitches.  

Larry Bobisud showed his new Plantraco 1:72 scale Hellcat.  It has a 10" wingspan, weighs 4 grams, and is powered by a 30mAh LiPo.  The 2 channel receiver and ESC are one tiny unit, and it has throttle control and an actuator for rudder.

Thanks to Colleen and Jerry for their notes of the meeting.

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