Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow
Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter
============================ January 2010 ===============================
The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, January 5 (contact club President Mark Scarborough for information).
Members Present:
Jerry Becker (President)
Colleen Bumgarner (Secretary/Treasurer)
Bruce Bumgarner
Larry Bobisud
Dave Evans
Justin Wood (new member)
Mike Marsh
Don Hart
Minutes accepted as read.
Treasury: $2025.21 Dues are Due!
The Northwest Model Expo is scheduled for February 12-14 in Monroe, WA
Indoor flying - Mike Marsh will check at the Clearwater Casino to see if the air supported dome there would be available for indoor flying.
Justin Wood has been flying his MCX helicopter and practicing on his flight simulator.
Larry Bobisud flew his micro Hellcat and Slow Stick at Sawyer RC Field Sunday.Mike Marsh and Don Hart flew at the Mann Lake field - no wind and 45 degrees. Don flew his new Razzle Stick original design for the first time.
Jerry Becker built a Mojo 25 profile from a kit. It's almost ready to fly.
Tax ID Number
Colleen Bumgarner found the tax ID number that was active in 1983. She talked to the bank about this. Jerry Becker has applied for a new tax ID number, but has not heard back. There is no cost.
Super Bowl Snow Fly
The Super Bowl Snow Fly has been tentatively scheduled for Saturday February 6. Suggestions were to have chili, hot coffee, pop and hot chocolate as well as the usual pot luck. Jerry Becker will check with John Sawyer to confirm the field/shop availability.Installation of Officers
Jerry Becker, current club president, will get the club "stuff" to Mark Scarborough, the new club president for 2010. Other club officers will continue for 2010.
Jerry Becker showed his Apprentice foam trainer and Mojo 25 profile. The Apprentice is electric powered, has a 50 inch span and four channels. It is very stable and flies well even in windy conditions.
The Mojo 25 is an electric powered profile that Jerry built from a kit. The Mojo 25 has a 36 inch span and is electric powered - in-runner with a gearbox. The covering is Ultracoat with custom graphics. The airframe is 18 ounces. Jerry expects the final weight to be about 27 ounces.
Mike Marsh showed his 36 inch span electric powered Micro-Telemaster from Hobby Lobby. He built three models using the kit parts as patterns. The model is not covered yet. Mike added ailerons.
Super Bowl Snow-Fly (tentative)
2/06/10 - Site: Sawyer RC Field.
This is a potluck event. Club members are encouraged to bring a covered
dish or salad to share. The club will provide soft drinks, hot drinks and chili(?). Heated indoor facility for eating and
indoor micro RC flying. Bring planes equipped with skis, floats or
wheels (depending on snow conditions). Sponsor: Palouse Flyers