
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================ June 2010 ===============================

The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, June 1 (contact club President Mark Scarborough for information).

If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.

Meeting Agenda, June 1, 2010
  1. Announcements
  2. Minutes
  3. Treasury Report
  4. Flying/Building Reports
  5. Spring BBQ Planning
  6. Tax ID Update
  7. Reciprocal Agreement Update
  8. Parks and Rec RC Class Update
  9. Agenda Additions/New Business
  10. Program

Notes from the Last Meeting:

Members Present:

Minutes accepted as read.

Treasury: $2622.98


Lewiston Memorial Fly In - May 22. This is the first year for a new annual event honoring all Lewiston Club members who have passed on.

Orrin Crooks Memorial Glider Meet - Lewiston, May 8-9. This is an annual event sponsored by the Palouse Flyers club.

Control Line Regionals (all classes) - Eugene, OR, May 31. Mark Scarborough is planning to attend.

Daily News - A story about Sam Sorem's RC models was passed around. A very well done article.

The US and Canada will be represented at the world RC soaring championships in France by flyers from the Northwest Soaring Society.

Flying/Building Reports

Sam and Gunnar Sorem have been flying at Leroy Johnson's field south of Pullman. Gunnar reported that he put in about 20 flights. Sam flew his giant scale YAK.

Cody Dahlberg flew a Sig LT25 trainer for his solo flight.  AJ reported that he had crashed his Kadet . He had a question about repairing oil soaked balsa. AJ has been having stability problems with a NexStar trainer. He will bring it to a club meeting to have Mark Scarborough check the incidence of wing and tail.

Don Hart reported that there has been a lot of flying activity at the Lewiston field whenever there has been a break in the weather.

Mark Scarborough flew in a control line meet where he won 1st in profile stunt and 2nd in advanced stunt. He test flew his new Avenger, but not in competition. The Avenger will fly in Eugene. Mark reported that Rob Smith is getting into control line flying.

Bruce and Colleen Bungarner reported that the Quiet Flyers club (Spokane) is having weekly flying meets at their Paradise Road field south of Spokane. Colleen also reported that live ammunition has been found on the site (this area was part of a firing range during WWII).

Old Business

Tax ID Update

Jerry Becker brought up the option of incorporating and then filing for tax exempt status. Among the advantages would be that contributions to the club would be tax exempt, the club could apply for private or government grants, and the public would have a better view of the club. Disadvantages include a $400 application fee and annual reporting paper work. Jerry asked Don Hart to find out the reasons the Lewiston club incorporated. Don will report at the next meeting.

Reciprocal Agreement

No information yet on the reciprocal agreement with the Lewiston club.

New Business

Spring BBQ Planning

The spring BBQ is scheduled for Saturday, June 19. Bruce and Colleen Bumgarner are gone that weekend, so someone will have to pick up drinks. Jerry Becker will bring balloons and a balloon tether mast and his paintball gun.

Moscow Parks and Recreation RC Class

There was good feedback from the last class, but the $60 per head adminstration fee was too high. The club needs to negotiate the cutoff date for signup and the administration fee. Jerry Becker is the contact.

US Scale Team Raffle

Mark Scarborough had tickets for the US Scale Team Raffle. This raffle is to support the US scale team at the world championship in Poland. The cost per pilot is $3000. The AMA pays part of the cost. There are 50 prizes for the raffle. Tickets are $5 each or 3 for $10.


Carson Sass showed his Lancer rubber powered model. It was built from a kit and is covered with tissue. Carson covered it himself. It had not flown yet.


Harry Evans showed pictures of the twin motor UAV airframe he designed using Solid Works 3D modeling software for a competition to be held in June at the Patuxent River NAS near Washington DC. The UAV must autonomously navigate to several specified locations, identify a target and take a picture at each location. Harry is part of a 10 person team of students. The UAV will have a 130 inch span and weight 25 pounds. There are a gimbal mounted camera, wireless internet, and an autopilot on board. The airframe has a ply fuselage and motor pods and a four piece foam core wing. The team has access to a CNC foam cutter and a 3D printer.

Randy Sexton showed his Super Dimona motor glider. It has a 94.5 inch wingspan and weight 4.5 pounds. It is powered with a Hacker A30-10XL outrunner motor and 3s1p 3200 mAmp Lipoly battery pack. This power system produces 520 watts, so it has plenty of power. It has a fiberglass fuselage and built up wings.

Super Dimona

Sam Sorem showed the fuselage of a 1/5 scale Hawker Hurricane he is building from Vailly Aviation plans.  The wingspan is 92 inches. The model weight will be in the 22-26 pound range. Sam will use a 3W 50cc gas engine to power the model. Sam also showed the scale retracts he will use.

Hawker Hurricane XIIa