Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow
Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter
============================ March 2010 ===============================
The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, March 2 (contact club President Mark Scarborough for information).
Members Present:
Mark Scarborough (President)
Colleen Bumgarner (Secretary/Treasurer)
Bruce Bumgarner
Jerry Becker
Larry Bobisud
Dave Evans
Mel Colvin
Sam Hord
Bertle Spence
Randy Sexton
Bob Boettcher
Sam Sorem
Sass family(David, Lucas, Tyler and Austen)
AJ and Cody Dahlberg (new members)
Elmer Carlson (new member)
Don Hart
Minutes accepted as read.
Treasury: $2215.21
Spokane Swap Meet:
March 13 - 8:30am to 4:00pm
Lucas Sass is designing a 60 inch original design. He had a preliminary plan to show. Lucas is looking for sample plans. The model will be electric powered.
Mel Colvin showed the horizontal stabilizer and elevator of the Fairchild 24 he is building from plans (no kit). This is the Ranger engine version. Mel found a full scale version and took lots of pictures.
Randy Sexton showed an incidence meter he built from plans in a magazine.
Mark Scarborough hopes to have the repaint completed on his latest control line competition stunt plane to show next meeting.
Elmer Carlson, a new member, was introduced by Mark.
AJ Dahlberg and his son Cody joined at the meeting. AJ has a Butterfly trainer in progress. The airframe is nearly done.
The Polar Bear Fly In at the Mann Lake RC field in Lewiston was great fun with a turnout of eleven flyers. There was just a little snow (not enough to cover the grass). Lots of flying. Chili was served.
Tax ID
Tabled until the next meeting.
Super Bowl Snow Fly Planning
Club Mall Show Planning
Bertle Spence reported that the date we decided on was not available. The mall management offered 5 tables. Mark Scarborough and Bertle will contact the mall again to see if we can agree on an appropriate date and have 20 tables for the show.
No new business.
Bertle Spence showed his Venom micro helicopter. He reported that there is not enough room in his house to fly. He's waiting for warm, calm weather to fly it.
Northwest Swap Meet
3/13/2010 - Site: Covenant
United Methodist Church, 15515 N
Gleneden Dr, Spokane, WA (near the Wandermere golf course). 8:30am to
4pm. Contact:
Robin Kirkpatrick: 509-489-5841 email brkirk@comcast.net. Directions
available at www.ieqf.org. Sponsor:
several northwest model clubs