
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

=========================== October 2010 =================================

The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, October 5 (contact club President Mark Scarborough for information).

If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.

Meeting Agenda, October 5, 2010
  1. Announcements
  2. Minutes
  3. Treasury Report
  4. Flying/Building Reports
  5. Fall BBQ Report
  6. Old Business
  7. Election of Club Officers
  8. Agenda Additions/New Business
  9. Program

Notes from the Last Meeting:

Members Present:

Minutes accepted as published.

Treasury: $2443.49


There is a pylon race in Wenatchee on September 18

Flying/Building Reports

Parker Sorem (with Sam's help) is building a Trex helicopter clone from Hobby City. It is metal and carbon fiber construction. Parker and Sam are looking at videos for construction and testing techniques. Parker is building helicopter flying skills on a simulator.

Sam Sorem is building a 25% YAK. He will be using the radio gear and the DLE 30cc gas engine from his Edge.

Gunnar Sorem has been flying a Big Stick ARF and is building a Parkzone Extra 300.

Carson Sass flew the maiden on a Parkzone Corsair. He showed a video of the barrel roll and crash soon after takeoff.

Austen Sass is flying aerobatics with an E-Flite T-34.

Elmer Carlson flew his OS20 four stroke powered Tiger Moth biplane.

Joe Bolden and Dave Walker flew at the Potlatch field. Dave put three flights on his CG Eagle.

Mark Scarborough competed in two pylon races. He had a midair at the Whidbey Island event, but also posted his personal best time of 1:43. Mark built a new plane for the Shelton Q500 event and was in second place for the weekend. Mark showed his new plane, an original design "Mongoose" he built to take on the "Vipers" flown by most contestants. The Mongoose goes over 130mph on 15% nitro fuel. Mark also showed his partner's all composite Q40 model with a Nelson engine. It goes 185mph at 23K rpms. Quarters are taped near the wing tip for lateral balance.

Jessie Salmonson was introduced. He is a WSU student who flies helicopters. He flew at Sawyer field with John Sawyer.

Colleen Bumgarner reported that the US juniors team made up of Northwest Soaring Society members finished first at the world glider meet.

Old Business

Field Update

Dave Walker reported that he, Jerry Becker and Joe Bolden planned to fly at the Potlatch field, but the wind was about 25mph. There are lots of cracks in the runway that need work before winter.

Parks and Rec Update

No one signed up for this session of the class. Jerry Becker is going to pick up the planes and other gear from B&B in Spokane. Joe Bolden and Dave Walker will rewrite the announcement to better describe the class and include that the participants go home with a complete RC plane and radio system.

Fall BBQ Planning

The fall club BBQ and fly in is scheduled for September 25. Dave Walker will be the burger chef. Mark Scarborough will get an appropriate prize for the event. Mark will also get soft drinks.

New Business

Old Mower Shed

Bertle Spence has been storing the mower shed that was at the flying field on the state line on the Moscow-Pullman highway. The shed is being offered to any club member who will take it. If no club member wants it, it will be available free to others.


There was no program.

Upcoming Events

There are no events.