
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================== June 2011 ================================

The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, June 7 (contact club President Mark Scarborough for information).

If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.

Meeting Agenda
  1. Announcements
  2. Minutes
  3. Treasury Report
  4. Flying/Building Reports
  5. Old Business
  6. Agenda Additions/New Business
  7. Program

Notes from the Last Meeting:

Members Present:

Minutes accepted as published.

Treasury: $1650.73


Lewiston IMAC is scheduled for June 11-12.  An IMAC practice session is scheduled for June 4.  Both events are at the Mann Lake flying site east of Lewiston on Powers Avenue.

Flying/Building Reports

Don Hart reported two crashes. The first was his H9 CAP232 IMAC plane due to a  problem with his new JR 2.4GHz radio. The second crash was his "Big Boy" which crashed into a fence on a dead stick landing at the Lewiston "mock IMAC" event.

Jerry Becker made the first flight with his micro Mosquito twin electric at the Lewiston field.  It handled the wind very well.

Bryce Winterbottom burned his first gallon of fuel flying near the UI arboretum on Palouse River Drive south of Moscow (there have been no noise complaints).  He also successfully flew a fiend's new plane in windy weather. 

Phil Tallman flew at the "mock IMAC" event at the Lewiston field and had a good time.  There are two more indoor sessions at the Asotin school gym.  Phil did a "ceiling touch and go" with his indoor Cub at the last session.

Joe Bolden reported that he is making progress on the World Models "Spot On" ARF build.

Dave Walker flew in Arizona - there were 100 degree highs in early April!

Mark Scarbourough got a new battery for his electric powered Tower Kaos.  He put three flights on it in the wind.  The fifth flight was Sunday, which ended in a crash. The Kaos needs a new fuselage.  Mark's 3 1/2 year old grand daughter "buddy flew" a control line plane when he visited her in Snohomish - another modeling convert!  Mark is almost done with a new control line profile stunter to replace the crashed Gee Bee.  HIs new RC pattern plane will have a Rossi 61 with a pipe.

Old Business

Spring BBQ and Fun Fly

The spring BBQ and fun fly is scheduled for June 18 at Sawyer Field. Dave Walker and Joe Bolden will be chefs.  Final planning at the June meeting.

RC Class

Jerry Becker reported that the Parks and Recreation RC class date was moved to May 21.  Two have signed up.

New Business

Potlatch Days

John Sawyer talked to someone from the Potlatch area about having the club participate in Potlatch Days celebration. Possible participation includes flying at the Poltlatch mill site and displaying planes on a flatbed trailer in the parade (Joe Bolden has a trailer). Dave Walker and Joe Bolden will talk to the event organizer. More at the next club meeting.


Elmer Carlson showed his Fokker DR-1 triplane ARF.  It is electric powered with Hitec HS-55 servos.

Upcoming Events

June 11-12  Lewiston IMAC at the Mann Lake field east of Lewiston on Powers Avenue.

June 18  Palouse Flyers Spring BBQ and Fun Fly at Sawyer Field.