
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================= November 2011 ===============================

The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, November 1 (contact club President Mark Scarborough for information).

If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.

Meeting Agenda
  1. Announcements
  2. Minutes
  3. Treasury Report
  4. Flying/Building Reports
  5. Old Business
  6. Agenda Additions/New Business
  7. Program

Notes from the Last Meeting:

Members Present:

Minutes accepted as published.

Treasury: $1672.18


Club Officers

Mark Scarbourough
John Sawyer
Colleen Bumgarner
Don Hart

Flying/Building Reports

Sam Sorem built a foamy bipe callled the "Pocket Knife" for Parker Sorem.  All Hobby King equipment.

Gunnar Sorem has LOTS of planes under construction.

Elmer Carlson flew at the Potlatch mill site.

Jeremy Schroeder flew at the Potlatch mill site, but had engine problems. Dave Walker offered to help Jeremy next time.

Don Hart reported that there was a very large turnout of pilots and spectators at the NW Electric Fly-In at Paradise Road field near Spokane. Saturday was very windy, but Sunday was nice. There was lots of flying both days. Five fixed wing planes and a helicopter crashed at the down wind end of the field (a Bermuda Triangle effect?). There were many raffle prizes including several ARFs. The raffle raised money to pay for lease of the field and maintenance.

Bruce and Colleen Bumgarner attended the Northwest Soaring Society "end of year" tournament. There were 32 pilots, some from as far away as Portland. Trophies were awarded for the top flyers at the tournament and for highest total season points.

Old Business

Fall BBQ

The windy weather forecast limited the turnout, but there was lots of flying. Twenty four attended; club members, friends and family.  The weather was better than predicted by the forecast. Many thanks to burger chef Dave Walker.

Mark Scarbourough hit the balloon pole with his Ugly Stick 40, tearing off the wing. The fuselage made ground contact a goodly distance out beyond the runway, but both the wing and fuselage had minimal damage. Mark's Aspera stalled when the battery ran out of juice - minimal damage. Randy Sexton's Radian Pro glider was destroyed in a crashed when it went out of sight west of Sawyer's house. Don Hart did a "no landing gear" touch-and-go while trying to bust a balloon. No extra cards were awarded for the maneuver (drat!).

The wind averaged 7-10mph with higher gusts. It was strong enough to blow out the BBQ flame.

There were many flights earning playing cards and several contenders for the best "lucky hand" poker hand. The prize was won by Phil Tallman.

New Business

Hands-Free Retriever

Colleen Bumgarner made a motion that the club donate $100 toward purchase of a hands-free retriever ($900) for a glider winch for the NW Soaring Society. This works much better and is much safer than the manually operated retrievers now in use.  Motion seconded and passed.

RC Terrorist

There was discussion of the recent arrest of a terrorist  planning to use an RC airplane to attack the Pentagon and of the impact on public perceptions of RC models.

Fall Mall Show

The Palouse Mall requested that the club have a model display November 5,6 and 7. After discussion, it was decided to pass on this due to the short notice,  to thank the mall management for their interest and to confirm that the club will have a mall show in the spring.

Donated RX Batteries

Sam Sorem donated several NiMh receiver battery packs. Sam has converted all their non-electric powered planes to A-123 packs.

Condolence Card

Long time club member Bob Boettcher passed away recently. Colleen Bungarner has sent a condolence card to Virginia Boettcher, Bob's wife.

Club Officers

Nominations for club officers were opened. The slate of officers is

Mark Scarbourough
John Sawyer
Colleen Bumgarner
Don Hart

According to the club bylaws, nomination of officers is to be opened at the September meeting and closed at the October meeting. Election of officers is to be done at the October meeting.


Gunnar Sorem showed his 36" span Stuka. Gunnar repainted the camo and markings to represent a different Stuka than the ARF. It has a Hacker motor and a Castle Creations ESC.

Parker Sorem showed his "Pocket Knife" EPP foam biplane.

Gunnar Sorem showed the plans for a SPAD XII short kit (wing ribs and fuselage formers only).

Don Hart showed his Modeltech Hurricane, a sport aerobatic plane powered with a Thunder Tiger 46 Pro. It was an ARC (almost ready to cover). It's covered with Monokote in a color scheme "borrowed" from SebArt Models.

Phil Tallman showed the micro T-28 he won at the fall BBQ. He plans to fly it indoors.

Upcoming Events

February (?) 2011: Super Bowl Snow Fly - Palouse Flyers club BBQ/potluck on the Saturday before the Super Bowl!