
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================= December 2012 ===============================

The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, December 4 (contact club President Mark Scarborough for information).

If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.

Meeting Agenda
  1. Announcements
  2. Minutes
  3. Treasury Report
  4. Flying/Building Reports
  5. Old Business
  6. Agenda Additions/New Business
  7. Program

Notes from the Last Meeting:

Members Present:

Minutes amended to thank Joe Bolden for his help with the BBQ.

Treasury: $1660.73


Mark Scarborough was given an engraved coffee cup by the club for in recognition of his long and extinquished service as club president.

The Coeur d'Alene RC club is planning to have a swap meet on December 1st. An announcement will be sent out when there is confirmation.

Flying/Building Reports

Vance Penton reported that he is still too busy to fly.

Joe Bolden flew in Yakima, but unfortunately broke a wing on the first flight.

Elmer Carlson is "restarting" the build he started last year, a Crackerjack homebuilt from plans.

Leroy Johnson has been flying his heli in his hangar and has started building a Great Planes J-3 Cub kit.

Steve Overley went to the Northwest Electric Fly In Spokane and has converted an eFlite Cub to a P-51 motor and gearbox using a 30C 3.4volt LiPo. Performance is greatly improved.

Mark Scarborough won first, second and third place trophies at the last control line stunt contest. He crashed his new electric powered stunt plane. Mark thinks it lost power due to a bad battery. Lines went slack, the plane crashed and the battery burned!

Dave Walker has been deer hunting and visiting his son in Boston. Dave is hoping to fly off the snow soon. He has skis installed on a plane.

Sam and Gunnar Sorem have not flown since the crash of Sam's giant scale Corsair at Leroy's field.

Don Hart has been building a new fuselage for his "Jerry's Big Boy", an 80 inch fun fly model similar to an UltraStick. The original fuselage was destroyed when the plane encountered a barbed wire fence during a dead stick landing. Don has also been flying indoor planes and helis at the Asotin School Gym.

Bruce Bumgarner has been flying his micro heli in his living room.

Colleen Bumgarner has a phone number to contact for an ARF 60" J-3 Cub for sale.

Bill Ward has finished the barn project and will be moving into his new shop around Thankgiving day.

Carson Sass showed his uncovered Thrush crop duster fuselage. Carson also showed a flag dispenser and crop dusting hopper he built from balsa. A smoke generator is planned. The finished plane will have a 7 foot wing span.

Old Business

Northwest Electric Fly In Report

The Northwest Electric Fly In was held October 6-7 at Paradise Road RC Field south of Spokane on US195. There was a good turnout and the weather was great. Bob Buttenhoff from Craigmont had his scale TG-8 glider towed up by an electric powered SIG Rascal 110 for the noon demonstration. There were lots of scale and sport e-powered models including war birds, ducted fans and a quadcopter with a camera. Pictures of the event are at http://www.meetup.com/rc-63/photos/11819052/

New Business

No new business


Dave Walker brought a huge amount of kits, building materials, airplanes, etc. from Bob Boettcher's shop to give away to club members. Those present drew numbers from a hat to determine who got first choice. Others followed in order of their numbers.

Upcoming Events

December 1, 2012 Coeur d'Alene RC Club swap meet. Time and location to be determined.

February 2013 PRRCF Super Bowl Snow Fly at Sawyer Field

February 2013 Lewiston Club "Polar Bear Fun Fly" at Mann Lake RC Field.

April 2013 Lewis-Clark Aerotow at Mann Lake RC Field

May 11-12, 2013 Orrin Crooks Memorial Glider Meet at Mann Lake RC Field

June 2013 PRRCF Spring BBQ and Fun Fly at Sawyer Field