Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow
Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter
============================= February 2012 ================================
The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, February 7 (contact club President Mark Scarborough for information).
Members Present:
Minutes accepted as published.
Treasury: $1559.81
Club dues are due - $30 for individual, $40 for family.
Sam and Gunnar Sorem have not been flying. Gunnar has finished the black powder muzzle loading pistol he built for his senior project. It was built from a kit. It is .50 cal with a walnut stock. Gunnar logged 35.3 hours on the project. Gunnar is now working on a model of an Albatross biplane. Sam is working on the wings for his two Hurricane giant scale models.
Phil Tallman reported that he has joined the wings on the two J-3 Cubs he's building. Phil flew at night at Leroy Johnson's field at Chambers (south of Pullman).
Mark Scarbourough is working on a new building bench. Mark rediscovered LOTS of good stuff while clearing space for the project.Don Hart has the wing nearly done for the Tanzer Speedwing he is building from Flying Models magazine plans. Don has been flying most Saturdays at the Mann Lake field.
Elmer Carlson needs the magazine construction article for the Crackerjack scale model he is building from plans. Don Hart offered to track down the magazine.
Leroy Johnson claims he has been doing nothing!
Super Bowl Snow Fly
Bruce and Colleen will get the pop and ice. The RC kits, engines and "stuff" donated by Terry Koltes will be sold, with the proceeds going to the club.
Phil Tallman showed his foamy model with light tubes. The light tubes plug into the receiver for power. Phil also showed his cold weather transmitter glove (similar to the image below).
Mark Scarborough showed his E-flite UMX Extra 3D BNF foamy model.
February 4, noon-4pm - Super Bowl Snow Fly at Sawyer Field. This is a potluck only event (no BBQ). Attendees are encouraged to bring a main dish or dessert to share. The club will provide drinks.
2/9/2012 - 2/12/2012 -- Monroe, WA (C) NW MODEL HOBBY EXPO 2012. Site: Evergreen State Fairgrounds. Ronald Swift CD PH: 425-788-6045 Email: ronswift@cablespeed.com. Sponsor: BARNYARD BUZZARDS MODEL AIRPLANE CLUB
March 10 - 8am-2pm. Spokane, WA. Inland Empire RC Swap Meet. Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N Glenden Dr, Spokane WA. Doors open at 8am. Raffle drawing every hour from 10am to 1pm (must be present to win). All proceeds benefit the New Hope Resource Center. Admission donation: Adult: $3; Ages 13 to18: $1; Age 12 and under free; Family: $5