
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================== June 2012 ================================

The next club meeting will be at Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway), Tuesday, June 5(contact club President Mark Scarborough for information).

If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.

Meeting Agenda
  1. Announcements
  2. Minutes
  3. Treasury Report
  4. Flying/Building Reports
  5. Spring BBQ Planning
  6. Potlatch Field Repair
  7. Agenda Additions/New Business
  8. Program: Dave Walker - prop balancing

Notes from the Last Meeting:

Members Present:

Minutes accepted as published.

Treasury: $1900.82


Orrin Crooks Memorial Glider Meet scheduled for May 12-13 at Mann Lake Field, Lewiston.

Lewiston Club Memorial Fun Fly scheduled for May 19 at Mann Lake Field.

Lewis-Clark Aerotow scheduled for June 2-3 at Mann Lake Field

Flying/Building Reports

Gunnar Sorem put four flights on his Zero.  The retracts worked well. Gunnar signed up for the Marine Corp and is scheduled to report to boot camp November 12.

Steve Overley painted his Zero and his Corsair. The Zero is green. The Corsair has a very nice dark grey over light grey scheme with French naval markings.

Don Hart flew Ted Wilkin's glider tug towing Ted's new "Duster" glider at Mann Lake. The aluminum wing joiner wasn't up to the task, causing the wings to have a LOT of dihedral. The tow was released early and the "Duster" landed without further damage.

Bruce Bumgarner plans to fly his new Topaz glider at Leroy Johnson's field to get ready for the glider meet.

Jerry Becker flew alone at Sawyer field and with Dave Walker at the Potlatch field.

Sam Sorem "dorked" a foamy and transferred the RC gear and power system to a Mini Ultrastick. Sam reported that he also flew/crashed a heli.

Dave Walker flew at the Potlatch field. Dave asked for advise on an OS 65 LA mounted on a used Funtana Mk 2. The 65 is a real "shaker" - the screws in the throttle servo fell out! Dave balanced the prop, but couldn't resolve the vibration.

Phil Tallman flew indoors at Asotin, flew his Rascal at Leroy Johnson's field and attended a float fly on Silver Lake near Medical Lake, WA.The event was held at Ruby's Resort. There is a nice dock and planes can be launched from the beach. Pilots walk out on the dock to fly. There are trees about 300 feet on the left - two planes ended up in the trees. Phil flew his J-3 Cub and Sea Wind. About 40 people attended the event.

Ruby's Resort on Silver Lake

Ruby's Resort on Silver Lk

Beaver taking off

Beaver taking off

Old Business

Potlatch Field Repair

A motion to buy crack sealer and weed spray was seconded and passed. Dave Walker gave an update on development planning for the old Potlatch mill site which was recently annexed by the city of Potlatch. We're hoping that by making our presence known in the community that an RC flying field will be included in the plan.

New Business

Club Spring BBQ Planning

The spring BBQ date set for Saturday June 23. Dave Walker will be the burger chef. Jerry Becker will get a prize from B&B Hobbies in Spokane. We will have the usual events: luck hand poker, paint ball and balloon bust.


Dave Walker will demonstrate prop balancing at the June meeting.

Upcoming Events

6/2/2012 - 6/3/2012 - Lewiston, ID Lewis-Clark Aerotow. Site: Mann Lake Field. Ted Wilkins PH: 208-983-1698 Email: trblood@hotmail.com  Dry camping available. Sponsor: LEWIS-CLARK RC MODEL CLUB INC

6/2/2012 - 6/3/2012 -- Spokane, WA (AA) PARADISE FLY OFFS. Site: Club Field. Steve Adams CD PH: 509-838-2279 Email: sadams@cet.com. Events 442, 444, 460, 461(JSO). Sponsor: INLAND EMPIRE QUIET FLYERS

6/15/2012 - 6/17/2012 -- Parma, ID (C-Restricted) IDAHO JET RALLY. Site: Club Field. Edward Culver CD PH: 208-240-0266 Email: al.culver@hotmail.com. Visit: www.flytva.com. Turbine fixed wing and helicopter and electric ducted fan. Sponsor: TREASURE VALLEY AEROMODELERS

6/23/2012 - 6/24/2012 -- Deer Park, WA (C) BARONS BIG BIRD. Site: Deer Park. Raymon Care CD PH: 509-328-7309 Email: r5care@comcast.net. Sponsor: BARONS MODEL CLUB

6/23/2012 - 6/24/2012 -- East Wenatchee, WA (AA) JACK CACKLER IMAC. Site: Club Field. Michael Hunt CD PH: 509-741-0103 Email: waterboymike1@hotmail.com. Visit: www.redappleflyers.org. Events 411, 412, 415, 413, 414(JSO). Sponsor: WENATCHEE RED APPLE FLYERS

7/5/2012 - 7/7/2012 -- Joseph, OR (C) ALPINE QUIET FLYER ADVENTURE 2012. Site: Memaloose Air Strip. William Byers CD PH: 509-947-0640 Email: wil@rc-sf.com. Visit: www.alpinesoaring.com. An alpine soaring event for aerotowing gliders/sailplanes, and flying electric powered airplanes, gliders, with electric-powered heli flying in the evenings.

7/6/2012 - 7/10/2012 -- Moscow, ID (AAA) KIBBIE DOME 2012. Site: Kibbie Dome. Andrew Tagliafico CD PH: 503-477-2329 Email: andyruba@comcast.net. Events Cat IV 201-220, 505-507(JSO). Sponsor: WILLAMETTE MODELERS CLUB INC

7/13/2012 - 7/15/2012 -- Richland, WA (C) WATTS OVER WASHINGTON. Site: Higgins Field. Douglas Bowman CD PH: 509-318-0096 Email: dougbo@gmail.com. Visit: www.my2wings.com/watts-wa. 2nd annual all electric event that is mostly open flying. Bring your electric powered sport planes, 3D planes, gliders, ducted fan jets, helicopers, quads and have some fun in the sun! All skill levels welcome. Raffle and food. Sponsor: MINIATURE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION

7/14/2012 -- Deer Park, WA (C) WARBIRDS OVER DEER PARK. Site: Deer Park Airport. Perry Pike CD PH: 509-327-7724 Email: iflyatiger@msn.com. Visit: www.baronsrc.com. Sponsor: BARONS MODEL CLUB

7/14/2012 - 7/15/2012 -- Spokane, WA (AA) SOAR PARADISE. Site: Club Field. Jim Frahm CD PH: 509-720-0016 Email: jnsfrahm@q.com. Event 442, 444, 460, 461(JSO). Sponsor: INLAND EMPIRE QUIET FLYERS

7/20/2012 - 7/22/2012 -- Zillah, WA (C-Restricted) PACIFIC NORTHWEST BIG BIRD EXTRAVAGANZA. Site: Ben'S Strip. Craig Haslebacher CD PH: 253-509-8044 Email: craigsrc1@aol.com. Visit: www.yvam.com. Sponsor: YAKIMA VALLEY AEROMODELERS

7/21/2012 - 7/22/2012 -- Wamic, OR (C) NORTHWEST RC SEAPLANE CHAMPIONSHIP. Site: Pinehollow Lake Resort. Dale Mcdonald CD PH: 503-761-3109 Email: dalemcdonald@comcast.net. Visit: www.sky-knights.org. Electric, sport, scale classes. Effective mufflers required for I.C. engines, must ROW. Sponsor: SKY KNIGHTS RC CLUB OF PORTLAND

7/27/2012 - 7/29/2012 -- Monroe, WA (C) MONROE WA AEROTOW 2012. Site: Club Field. Donald Bailey CD PH: 425-350-9557 Email: dgliderguy@gmail.com. Visit: www.cmaa-rc.com. 10th annual event for scale sailplanes and motorgliders, tugs available up to 100cc, dry camping permitted on field. 72 mhz radios must be EVEN channels only, 2.4 ghz encouraged. Sponsor: CASCADE MINIATURE AIRCRAFT ASSN

8/3/2012 - 8/5/2012 -- Moses Lake, WA (C) CENTRAL WASHINGTON WARBIRDS ROUND UP. Site: Mckay Field. John Cerul CD PH: 509-766-8319 Email: johnpcerul@gmail.com. Visit: www.moseslakercmodelers.org. Fly in with optional tasks, awards. Any military type aircraft, any scale (except full scale), AMA park flyers ok. $15 pilot landing fee. Some dry camping spaces. WWI "dawn patrol" Saturday sunrise to 9PM. Sponsor: MOSES LAKE RC MODELERS

8/11/2012 -- Deer Park, WA (C) THE GREAT AMERICAN BUG OUT. Site: Club Field. Anthony Worman CD PH: 509-447-4334 Email: skybug@povn.com. Restricted to Sky Bug designs and old free flight designs converted to RC. $10 landing fee. Lunch provided. Special event t-shirts will be available. Sponsor: BARONS MODEL CLUB

8/17/2012 - 8/19/2012 -- Richland, WA (C) HELIS OVER THE DESERT. Site: Higgins Field. Douglas Bowman CD PH: 509-318-0096 Email: dougbo@gmail.com. Visit: www.my2wings.com/heli-desert. Helicopter only fun fly event. All electric, nitro, and gas helicopters welcome. No turbine power due to fire hazard. All skill levels welcome. New to helicopters? Come join us! Raffle and food. Sponsor: MINIATURE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION

8/23/2012 - 8/26/2012 -- East Wenatchee, WA (A) NW SCALE CHAMPIONSHIPS. Site: Club Field. Dean Nichols CD PH: 509-888-2449 Email: deandot@nwi.net. Visit: www.redappleflyers.org. Event 523(O). The field is 2.3 miles east of Pangborn field. Take Grant Rd east from East Wenatchee, continue on Grant Rd to Pangborn field and then another 2.3 miles. Grant Rd becomes SE 4th, the flying field is on the left, just past Webb Rd. Sponsor: WENATCHEE RED APPLE FLYERS

8/31/2012 - 9/2/2012 -- Goldendale, WA (C) WASHINGTON WARBIRDS 2012. Site: Goldendale Airport. William Byers CD PH: 509-947-0640 Email: wil@rc-sf.com. Visit: www.rc-warbirdflyer.com. This event is hosted for those RC pilots that like to fly warbirs of any kind: airplane, helicopter, or even gliders. It is being hosted at the Goldendale Airport, which will be closed to general aviation for the duration of the event. There will be a charge for this ebent, so sign up at the website to get pre-registered and to get more information.

8/31/2012 - 9/3/2012 -- Richland, WA (C) LABOR DAY EXTRAVAGANZA. Site: Higgins Field. Douglas Bowman CD PH: 509-318-0096 Email: dougbo@gmail.com. Visit: www.my2wings.com/labor-day-ext. A full weekend of RC excitement. All skill levels and aircraft welcome. No turbine power due to fire hazard. New to RC? Come join us! Raffle and food. Sponsor: MINIATURE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION