Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow
Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter
============================== January 2013 ===============================
The next club meeting will be Tuesday, January 1 at 7pm at the Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway). Contact club President Don Hart for information.
Members Present:
Minutes accepted as published.
Treasury: $1568.52
Super Bowl Snow Fly will be Saturday February 2 at Sawyer Field
Sam and Gunnar Sorem reorganized their model building area. Sam flew his heli in the back yard.
Bruce Bumgarner flew his micro heli indoors.
Steve Overley flew indoors at Asotin. Steve painted and repainted his P-51 Mustang and installed a bigger motor in his Spitfire.
Don Hart flew his rebuilt Big Boy (after an encounter with a barbed wire fence) and started construction of a 65 inch span profile to be powered with a DLE 20cc gas engine. Don has also been flying indoors at Asotin and trying to get a quadcopter to fly.
John Sawyer got his 1/4 scale J-3 Cub out and has been building on it. He got new struts made for the Hangar9 Cub and is adjusting the mounts to fit. John says it should fly in the spring!
Elmer Carlson has been working on his 1/3 scale Crackerjack homebuilt. He showed one uncovered wing. Each rib is constructed of steam-bent spruce strips and ply gussets. Elmer says he started construction in 1985!Vance Penton says he's flown nothing.
No old business
Colleen Bumgarner reserved the meeting room for 2013.
Elmer Carlson passed around the uncovered wing for his Crackerjack model. Very impressive project built from plans.
Don Hart showed his 550mm quadcopter. It hasn't been flown yet because the control module apparently has a bad gyro on the yaw axis.
Saturday February 2, 2013 PRRCF Super Bowl Snow Fly at Sawyer Field
February 2013 Lewiston Club Polar Bear Fun Fly at Mann Lake RC Field.
April 2013 Lewis-Clark Aerotow at Mann Lake RC Field
May 11-12, 2013 Orrin Crooks Memorial Glider Meet at Mann Lake RC Field
June 2013 PRRCF Spring BBQ and Fun Fly at Sawyer Field