
Pullman The Palouse Ridge Runner Moscow

Palouse Region R/C Flyers Newsletter

============================== October 2013 ===============================

The next club meeting will be Tuesday, October 1 at 7pm at the Jack-in-the-Box in Moscow (Moscow-Pullman Highway). Contact club President Don Hart for information.

If anyone has a new plane, bring it to show it off.

Meeting Agenda
  1. Announcements
  2. Minutes
  3. Treasury Report
  4. Flying/Building Reports
  5. Fall BBQ and Fly In Report
  6. Agenda Additions/New Business
  7. Program

Notes from the Last Meeting:

Thanks to Colleen Bumgarner for meeting notes

Members Present:

Minutes accepted as published.



Northwest Electric Fly In is October 5-6 at the Paradise Rd field south of Spokane on US 195

Flying/Building Reports

David Hallinan is a law student who will graduate in May. He saw our meeting notice on the club web site and found the flying field on a Saturday. He and John Sawyer flew and talked..

Bruce and Colleen Bumgarner talked about the popular ALES (Altitude Limited Electric Soaring) events at glider meets. There were big turnouts in Montana and the end-of-year Northwest Soaring Society meet in the Tri Cities. Electric powered gliders means there is no need for winches.

Leroy Johnson and Elmer Carlson have been flying at Leroy's field.

Dave Walker and Jerry Becker have flown at the club field with John Sawyer on Thursdays.

Bruce Bumgarner's Fun Cub is ready to go and hopes to fly Thursday. David Walker hopes to be there.

Mark Scarborough talked about his weekend flying pylon racing, tales of his two airplanes, accidents (not his doing), and repair jobs . Once repaired, remember to CHECK the BALANCE POINT.  Mark explained about the airplanes, props, motors and different interesting facts about pylon racing.

New Business

Fall BBQ Planning

After much discussion, we will try to have the BBQ and fun fly on Sunday September 29th at Sawyer RC Field - will check to see if OK with John. Sunday was chosen to accomodate UI and WSU football games and other Saturday activities members have on their calendars.

Old Business



Mark Scarborough had his new plane for Formula 40 racing at the meeting -  a beautiful granny smith color.

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